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My Curves Have No Bounds: Curvy Red Carpet Babes Of The 2016 Award Season

Hollywood certainly isn’t known for its body diversity. In fact, the range of body sizes represented on the big screen tends to fall somewhere between a size zero and maybe a size six. Despite the lack of representation of curvy and plus-size women in the industry, it has been encouraging to see the body positivity and diversity growing from year to year.

As the Oscars wrapped up the 2016 award season, we have seen a stunning and inspiring array of curvy style on the red carpets. We must celebrate not only the inclusion of all body types, from the “in-betweenies” to the plus size, but also the growing options for the variety of body types on the red carpet.

In the past, celebrities like Melissa McCarthy have had trouble getting designers to agree to dress them for the awards season. And for years, many plus-size women on the red carpets were forced to wear ensembles that looked like they had been pulled from the bottom of a discount prom dress bin. Now we are seeing sensational and dynamic curvy looks being designed for plus-size women.

Even more exciting, celebrities like McCarthy are taking matters into their own hands and designing their own garments for the red carpet.

Take a look at the curvy women who have won us over on this year’s red carpets:

Every woman, with no exceptions, deserves to feel comfortable in her own body, and to believe that the world is made just as much for her as the next person. That’s why with “My Curves Have No Bounds,” we’re going to get real and talk about our bodies, what we put on them, and how we feel about everything in between. We want to break down the barriers and outdated notions that plus-size women encounter everyday. So check back every other week for more from “My Curves Have No Bounds,” by Amanda Montgomery of Latest Wrinkle.

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Source: Huffingtonpost

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