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Shazam Net Worth

Net Worth: $1 Billion +

About Shazam

Shazam is an app for Macs, PCs, and smartphones with an estimated net worth of $1 billion plus. Despite the fact that Shazam hasn’t been a profitable company yet it is however valuable for its music identification capabilities that has expanded to integrations with cinema, advertising, TV and retail environments making it a unique product for the future of music and technology. Shazam has been backed with over $100 million in funding rounds over an eight year period. Some of its backers aren’t known yet however what has been reported by Shazam is that as a company it had reported various net losses in the several years of its operations. Shazam looks to further invest in technology and personnel to further grow and expand on revenues driving towards turning profits for the company. The company earns commissions on purchased songs that users discover using its service, as well as generating revenue from advertisements as another lateral to make money.

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