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Survey: One in Four People Would Nap in a Self-Driving Car

To nap, or not to nap? In a recent survey, 26 percent of respondents said they’d feel comfortable sleeping in a self-driving car. surveyed 900 drivers in the U.K., and found that people are willing to do a wide range of activities while being transported in an autonomous vehicle. Among these activities, chatting to fellow passengers, browsing the internet, and watching TV ranked high on the list.

The survey suggests that drivers would feel more comfortable testing autonomous cars on the freeway as opposed to city streets. Thirty-two percent of drivers preferred autonomous journeys on the freeway, and only 18 percent think it’s a good idea in the city. But it doesn’t seem like traffic is the issue in this case, as 49 percent of respondents say they’d be comfortable going autonomous while sitting in traffic jams.

At the same time, there’s still plenty of skepticism about the new technology. Although some people apparently don’t mind napping in autonomous cars, more than half the drivers surveyed said they’d feel “unsafe” or “very unsafe” in a self-driving car.

Drivers were most worried about whether or not the car can avoid an accident (34 percent). But they were almost just as concerned about missing out on the enjoyment of driving (30 percent).

Perhaps it’s not surprising, but the results of this survey somewhat jibe with findings from AAA. That study found 75 percent of drivers are “afraid” to ride in an autonomous vehicle.


The post Survey: One in Four People Would Nap in a Self-Driving Car appeared first on Motor Trend.

Source: Motor Trend

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