InspiredStream’s delivers a new profile layout for its users. The new profile design is sleek and is big which is trending now on social media. The design is gorgeous with the user’s profile avatar margined in the middle of the profile area with a circular radius shape that stands out. The cover photo’s are large that includes a blur effect in the background allowing for the profile avatar’s, username’s, and site statistics to stand out more within the profile area. The username fonts are large and are colored in a blue while the site statistics have a round border hover in the background and are colored in white. Here are examples of the profiles design:
Introducing the new profile design from InspiredStream.Did you notice that this user’s account on the site displays a verified badge which means that the user posts original content through pictures, videos, and songs. Also the profiles enable any user to display its social links on its profile. You can posts as many links as you wish to display in order to connect all of your profiles from other sites to inspiredstream and link back to them. On Pirate MG’s profile the user is displaying links from their other profiles that Pirate MG has on Facebook, Linkedin, Google+, YouTube, and Instagram. These are also other strategies InspiredStream will look into in order for your account to get the verification status on your profile. Take a look at when you mouse over the user’s verified badge:
When you mouseover the verified badge it will hover and turn green.The mobile layout of the site looks just as good as it does on the desktop version. Its clean, sleek, and big which is trending right now. The profile design is really attractive to the eye and innovative. Take a look at the mobile profile design:
Introducing InspiredStream’s mobile design
” is a social networking site for brands and individuals who post original content. InspiredStream allows you to post videos, pictures, music, and text. InspiredStream is a site where sharing creates community for its users from all over. InspiredStream is a new online hub that allows creativity to get quick publicity with the help of an interactive platform, the social network. InspiredStream is the new social experience. “